For then the bud was small
Holded n supported by love
Innocent she was
Didn't knew what was next to come.
She bloomed in the garden of love
Her petals bloomed in
And she felt the warmth of live
Until the evil took her away
For her the wise left her
Unknown of the fact of his love to her
He tried to save him from the evil
Yet he took her away with him
Left broken, pretty she was
Still survived the thrash and hail
Her single petal fell down
And to seek love from the wise.
The wise then tried to save her
The beautiful flower, shadowed black
Toxic and evil she been by
But Hope still made her survived.
With love the wise rescued her,
Bringing her back to life,
Slaying the evil down to dust
The wise got his chance to prove
He then gave her life again
The life to live for his love
And the beauty to be seen
And two heart to be touched again.
Bikash Nirola.